Monday, October 24, 2011


The Zuni tribe has a great large land area and is good at making
fetishes they are good at playing games like you. We are
going to have fun on  this blog.   

Zuni Journal

  • Name                                                             Date                                  Right a Journal about if 
                                                                                                                           you were an Indian.
                                                         Indian Journal                                                    

Friday, October 21, 2011

Zuni Cool facts

1.The Zuni language is not like any other and you cant compare it to any other language.   

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Zuni Facts

Zuni Facts

        The did great fetishes. They made meaning to.
        true friend loyal

Zuni Fun

To have some fum learning about the Zuni  you can try making a poster, diorama, or do a journal or a diary. Here is a art picture of what you can do one day, here is example.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Surprise we are going to talk about fetishes! Here are some facts about fetishes.

1. They have meanings.
2. That's what they made alot of the times.
3.You would have them to go hunting to help you.

That is three ways. So you can maybe make one or by one. They are very important to the Zuni people in those days. If you see one at a store you would be lucky.